Ok, let's get this out of the way right now. NO NO NO NO NO. Is it multi-level marketing? YES. Is it building a team underneath you? YES. Is everyone underneath you making less than you? NOPE, in fact, they can make more $ than you...therefore, not a pyramid.

As a Consumer Reporter for more than 2 decades I have done countless stories on MLM's, Direct Sales...whatever you want to call them...while there are no doubt some bad apples out there, there are many more amazing companies that actually have great products to sell and even greater compensation plans. The reason why direct sales or MLM's get a bad rap is simple, they're either selling sub-par products or you're getting in when the market is saturated with distributors of that particular company.
A question I asked myself. Direct Marketing companies are smart. They have products that are special, products that can't just sit on a shelf and hope you notice them and buy them. Their products have a story behind them, they need YOU to share the information with customers. These companies want you to know the products inside and out. Can a sales clerk at a retail store do the same for the 100's of products she has in her store? Of course not.
Taking out the middle "man" saves a ton of money. Direct marketing companies don't have to pay a brick and mortar store rental space therefore they don't have to pass that cost onto customer's. You the direct marketer, are their voice, their virtual "store".
I entered into the world of direct marketing in December 2014. I wasn't looking for it, IT literally came into my life when I didn't even think I wanted to give it a try. I signed up for $99 with the hope of making a ton of money selling amazing mascara and other great cosmetics. To me $99 was a small "investment" for the potential to make $$, and who doesn't want to make money? I did well, started building a small team and made enough to pay a bunch of bills, buy Christmas gifts, and a few other fun things along the way...was it enough to retire on? HELL NO! But, hey, it was extra money in my pocket that I didn't have before December 2014. My introduction into the world of direct marketing was an eye-opener. It was hard, it was easy, it was rewarding it was discouraging. If this sounds like a day-in-the-life of your career..it's because direct marketing really is the same, in that regard only. I chose to enter the world of direct marketing because I truly do believe it is an amazing way to make a lot of money, have the freedom to spend more time with my family and share wonderful products with friends, family and people I've never met...
Sharing products that they would have no access to if it weren't for me selling them directly.