Friday, February 14, 2014



Dear Guys,

Happy Valentines Day.  Honestly, if you're stressed out, don't be.  I'm here to make you a stud in your GF's eyes!

What a girl wants doesn't necessarily mean what she says she wants like; 'nothing babe, really!', 'honestly don't give me flowers, they're a waste of money!" or "just a nice card is perfect."  They're all lies!  Lies Lies Lies!

What a girl wants is simple; flowers, jewelry, a sweet gesture like cooking for her, or taking her out for nice dinner (that does't mean you don't still give her something!)  Trust me, we are not being selfish, we just love the gesture that you took the time to shop for us and actually looked like you put thought into it!  Even if you didn't, please, just make it look like you did, we'll never know!

Flowers:  It's too late to send, but not too late to pick some up at the local grocery store, but for the love of God, please take off the sticker that shows us you bought them at Stop and Shop!

Jewelry:  You don't have to go a jeweler and spend a fortune on us (although we wouldn't mind)  but we get money is tight.  If you go to Target you can find some really pretty jewelry, again, don't tell us where you bought it, we 're kind of snobby like that.  You can easily rip off the tags, buy a pretty box and put the jewelry in there.  If your GF asks you where you bought it, then she deserves to know where, a nice girl would be just happy you thought of her.  Alex and Ani bracelets are another inexpensive but thoughtful gift because you can buy just about any charm that reminds you of her.  Most of those run under $35!  Girls love them too!

Sweet Gesture: A hand written card.  Trust me, this is so sweet and it goes a long way!  I'm not talking about buying a Halmark Card.  I'm talking about taking a white piece of paper, folding it in half and coloring a cute picture and writing her a few lines of why you love her.  This may seem totally dorky, but trust me, it's so cute and you'll get a lot of points from us!

Ok?  Feel better?  See, even if you haven't gotten your GF anything yet, there's still time!  And you can score major guy points without breaking the bank! (Just please look like you did, ok?)

xo Susan

1 comment:

  1. I made my own card one year and got the silent treatment for 1 week and slept on the couch. Guys don't make your own card
