Friday, February 21, 2014


Before you click on these video's I want to tell you why I'm posting them.  I was on a training run today, just a short 5 miles...and suddenly as I turned a corner I thought of where I'm going to be in exactly 2 months from today.  I will be in Boston running in the 2014 Boston Marathon.  I suddenly teared up, remembering why I am running.  I remember these moments almost 1 year ago.  Standing on the train platform as the Amtrak trains arrived in Attleboro from Boston.   The first two people I interviewed were runners who crossed the finish line.  They, just like me, trained 4 long months.  Got up at the crack of dawn to do speed workouts, ran every Saturday for hours at a time...creeping up the miles each weekend, 12, 15, 17, 20. They still had their medals around their necks.  Events of this day were still unfolding as they got off the train.  We didn't really know what exactly was happening.  But what they did know, and I knew for sure was those medals around their necks will not remind them of the 4 months of training...instead, it will inspire them to not give up.  It will inspire them to forge ahead and prove that the horrible actions of 2 people will only serve to give us strength to come together...and run again, one step at a time.

  I remember turning to my photographer and saying, "I'm going to run Boston next year."  I was caught up in the moment..but here I am, nearly one year later, and doing it.

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