Sunday, January 5, 2014


Let me introduce myself. 
For many of you, you already know me as a TV Consumer Reporter.  But that's what I do for a living...What I tell many people, is, I'm a Mom first, a Reporter second.   However, the two worlds do collide daily and both allow me to do my jobs extremely well.  As a Mom I can be a better consumer reporter because I know what regular families go through on a daily basis.  As a full time TV reporter, it helps me manage my time very well...ok, not really, but I do my very best and honestly, sometimes it just isn't pretty!

I am divorced. I am a Mom of 3 children, Twins (boy/girl) who just turned 15 and a 9 year old boy, who desperately wants to be 15!   As a single Mom I am constantly battling with budgets, or for that matter, constantly trying to stay on a budget which just isn't easy, or even possible.

But I am making it work, somehow, someway, I can pay my mortgage, put food on the table, keep my children happy, my ex-husband happy, my boyfriend happy (very weird having a boyfriend at 40 "something"  can't we come up with a better name??? ) matter how many obstacles life puts in my way, I make it work.

My Blogging Goals.

Everyday I am asked about product reviews, recommendations for contractors, plumbers, deals, as well as how I am Making it Work as a single Mom...while I can't report on everything I am asked I figured I would blog about it.  So, everyday I will bring you into my life.  Whether it's to vent about dating, being single in suburbia, or to tell you about something I found online that you may like to know, or to share with you a great idea, deal or adventure or all of the above...

I hope you will share with me too!   I look forward to meeting you all, sharing our stories and most of all, Making it work better, together.

Susan xo

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